copper slag producing units in usa

  • Sulfuric acid leaching for capturing value from copper rich converter slag

    Highlights. Cu was present as Cu 2 O, CuFeO 2 and Cu in slag originating from novel Cu process. Leaching in acid media was optimized: 2 M H 2 SO 4, T = 40 °C, 0.26 kW/m 3, 60 min. Produced PLS was found to be fully integrable with state-of-art Cu EW process. Concentration of As, Pb and Ni were below the toxicity limits in the treated …

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  • Copper slag: optimization of productivity and

    The composition of copper slag may vary from one manufacturer to other, and can contain arsenic, beryllium, chromium, nickel, lead, and copper [8], [9], [10]. 2. Significance of productivity and consumptionSince copper slag may contain metals such as arsenic, beryllium, chromium, nickel, and lead, the air emissions and spent abrasive …

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  • (PDF) Copper slag: optimization of productivity and …

    Copper slag: optimization of productivity and consumption for cleaner production in dry abrasive blasting ... pressed air, air hose, and a secondary supply unit (to provide The molten slag from the smelter is quenched in water and air to the blaster). Moisture traps were used to eliminate mois- quick cooling of this slag results in amorphous ...

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    Manufacturing process of copper production produces enormous amount of the copper slag which contains required chemical properties, so it can be used as construction material. This paper contains ...

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