Theoretical calculations and experimental studies were used to investigate a process involving the evaporation, condensation, and separation of blast furnace dust with vacuum carbothermal reduction.The theoretical calculations revealed that the removal rate of metallic zinc from blast furnace dust by vacuum carbothermal reduction was> 99.6%, …
عرض المزيدRequest PDF | On Nov 1, 2011, Tongsheng Zhang and others published Preparation of high performance blended cements and reclamation of iron concentrate from basic oxygen furnace steel slag | Find ...
عرض المزيدIron ore concentrate is an output product from processed iron ores that have been milled (crush, grind, magnetic separation, flotation) to separate deleterious elements and produce a high-quality product. ... The development of blast furnace smelting technology with a high proportion of pellets is an important means for improving the ...
عرض المزيدIron concentrate with 58.72% iron grade is obtained from the magnetic separation, and the iron recovery is 89.32%. ... was dried and reduced in the shaft furnace. The iron concentrate was obtained from siderite-magnetizing roasting using low-intensity magnetic separation with shaft furnace gas as the fuel and reducing agent in the former ...
عرض المزيدCurrently, electric furnaces and blast furnaces are used to process iron sand concentrate or titanomagnetite to produce pig iron and titanium slag. The titania content in the slag...
عرض المزيدIron concentrate, containing about 60% Fe2O3, can be reclaimed from BOFS through a new approach proposed. ... "Preparation of high performance blended cements and reclamation of iron concentrate from basic oxygen furnace steel slag," Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Elsevier, vol. 56(1), pages 48-55. Handle: …
عرض المزيدThe titania content in the slag ranges from 10 to 25 mass% of blast furnaces and 30 to 35 mass% of electric furnaces. The low titania content in the slag is due to the addition of flux, some iron oxide must be retained in the slag to adjust the viscosity of the slag and the mixing of iron sand concentrate with ordinary iron ore.
عرض المزيدThese texts do include a lot of information regarding choosing fluxes based on thermo-chemical properties- oxidizing, reducing, catalysts (eg pieces of iron), making fluxes, etc. Mt Baker Mining's YouTube site is also a good place to learn, Jason also in certain videos discusses choosing the best carrier metal for a process, shows what …
عرض المزيدThe efficient comprehensive utilization of iron and titanium in titanium concentrate has been achieved. Ilmenite is an important mineral resource containing Fe and Ti, and titanium concentrate can be obtained after beneficiation. ... Turek T (2017) Modeling and simulation of the use of direct reduced iron in a blast furnace to reduce …
عرض المزيدAbstract. Theoretical calculations and experimental studies were used to investigate a process involving the evaporation, condensation, and separation of blast …
عرض المزيدThe reclaimed iron concentrate with Fe 2 O 3 higher than 50% is about 500 RMB/ton (or 75.5 US$/ton), which can be used as raw material for cement clinker producing and feed materials for sintering, blast furnace and steel making processes due to high amounts of FeO x, MnO and MgO (Huang and Wang, 2001, Shen and Forsberg, 2003).
عرض المزيدThe extensive literature about the flash smelting process since the 1950s has mainly concentrated on overall chemistries of material flows in the furnace and the numerous equipment issues on the furnace and plant level.[5,6,7,8,9] Various descriptions of FSF and FCF reaction chemistry and its sequences in suspension have been given in …
عرض المزيدABSTRACT The reduction of an Indonesian iron sand concentrate was studied using TG/DTA and XRD analyses. The iron sand concentrate was mixed with coal and formed into a cylindrical pellet. The experimental results show that magnetite was reduced into wustite at 700–800°C and into metallic iron at temperature above 800°C. …
عرض المزيدDirect reduction iron and titanium concentrate were produced. •. Calcium fluoride reduced the liquidus temperature and viscosity. Abstract. Reduction roasting …
عرض المزيدThe concentrate carries from 63 to 64 per cent. iron and 0.008 per cent. phosphorus; the middling product carries 40 per cent. iron, and the tailing from 5 to 6 per cent. iron. Dust is withdrawn from the separator by a fan, and after settling in a dust chamber, is sent to the waste dump.
عرض المزيدThese will yield 19.4 million tonnes of concentrate containing 59% iron. The ironsands contain a fair amount of ordinary sand or silica. The iron-rich, magnetic titanomagnetite sand is concentrated from this by means of gravity and magnetic separation.
عرض المزيدThe results reveal that achieving metallic iron by using a conventional muffle furnace takes 120 hours at 1600ºC, whereas by using a microwave sintering furnace it took only 24 Hrs.
عرض المزيدThe invention relates to a technology for recovering iron ore concentrate and coke powder from blast furnace gas dust or gas sludge, characterized by using coke carried by the gas dust (sludge) as a reducing agent, carrying out magnetization roasting on the gas dust (sludge), converting the weak magnetic iron ore in the gas dust (sludge) …
عرض المزيدChemical leaching of this concentrate, by using HCl and stannous chloride at 50-60°C, led to the production of ultra-pure sand concentrate having 0.0043% Fe 2 O 3. Fused silica was prepared using ...
عرض المزيدCurrently, electric furnaces and blast furnaces are used to process iron sand concentrate or titanomag- netite to produce pig iron and titanium slag. The titania content in the slag ranges from 10 ...
عرض المزيد2.1. Iron Sand Used for This Study. Raw sand (run of mine) was taken at the district of famous old mine sites where used to produce representative Masa and Akome in Shimane prefecture, that location is Hanaidani for Masa and Zakka for Akome, respectively. 3,4) The concentrates were produced by preliminary treatment of the raw sand. In this study …
عرض المزيدThe metallurgical properties of blast-furnace ore and ore-coal extrusion briquettes (BREX) based on hematite iron ore concentrate are studied.
عرض المزيدIron Concentrate is created by purifying Crushed Iron Ore. This can be done in one of two ways: either dry or wet purification, each of which can be performed using one of two crafting stations. The crafting stations come with different ratios, labor cost and time. The process to make Iron Concentrate also gives a by-product of either Tailings or Wet …
عرض المزيد1. Introduction. Blast furnace dust (BFD) is a by-product of the iron-making process; it is carried by solid particles and vaporization, and is collected by a variety of mechanisms, including gravity dust collectors and bag filters (Gu and Deng, 1997; Zeydabadi et al., 1997).It contains many ferrous and nonferrous metals, such as zinc (5 …
عرض المزيدDuring the flash ironmaking process, fine iron concentrate and flux powder, accompanied by reductive gas, are injected into a flash furnace. In the process of falling into the furnace, the fine iron concentrate is heated and drastically pre-reduced by the high-temperature reductive gas within a few seconds of flight time. Then the final ...
عرض المزيدGraphical abstract. Basic oxygen furnace steel slag (BOFS) has not yet been widely used as a cementitious material due to low cementitious activity and poor soundness. Through the approach proposed, BOFS was separated into iron concentrate (about 60% Fe 2 O 3) and residual slag product (consisting mainly of hydraulically active …
عرض المزيدThe smelting process comprises the carbonaceous reduction of ilmenite to produce titania slag with a TiO2 content of 86%, and iron with a carbon content of 2.5%. The Namakwa Sands smelter, situated near the Saldanha Bay harbour, commenced smelting operations in 1994, when a 25 MW DC-arc furnace was commissioned.
عرض المزيدIron tailings sand can be used to replace natural sand in the process of making concrete [14,15]. ... Reduction of 1% alumina in iron ore improves blast furnace performance by 3%, reduction in ...
عرض المزيدThe titanomagnetite concentrate is generally smelted through the traditional blast furnace process, and liquid iron containing vanadium, titanium, and chromium is produced [4,6,7].
عرض المزيدThis study is to investigate and clarify the details about mineralogical characteristics of iron sand used for Japanese classical iron-making furnace "Tatara", that produces different …
عرض المزيدiron sand is a glassy iron silicate aggregate consisting of granulated slag, extracted as a by-product from Boliden Rönnskär's copper production. The Iron Sand has good …
عرض المزيدThe electric arc furnace (EAF) smelting ilmenite concentrate process which produces titania slag, is high energy consumption, high pollution, and low efficiency process. An economical and clean process for semi-molten reduction followed by magnetic separation to produce titania slag from Panzhihua ilmenite concentrate is proposed. In …
عرض المزيد@article{Zhang2011PreparationOH, title={Preparation of high performance blended cements and reclamation of iron concentrate from basic oxygen furnace steel slag}, author={Tongsheng Zhang and Qi-jun Yu and Jiangxiong Wei and Jianxin Li and Pingping Zhang}, journal={Resources Conservation and Recycling}, year={2011}, volume={56}, …
عرض المزيدThe metallurgical properties of blast-furnace ore and ore-coal extrusion briquettes (BREX) based on hematite iron ore concentrate are studied. With respect to values of hot strength brex occupy an intermediate position between sinter and pellets. The reduction capacity for brex is significantly reduced with simultaneous addition of flux and …
عرض المزيدCompared with traditional magnetizing roasting technologies, this novel technology has the following advantages: firstly, the oolitic hematite is dynamically …
عرض المزيدA sketch of the Flash Ironmaking process is shown in Fig. 1. A gaseous fuel is partially oxidized with industrial oxygen to generate a reducing gas at 1600–1900 K. Iron ore concentrate is fed from the top, and the reduced iron product can be collected as a solid powder or as a molten bath for direct steelmaking.
عرض المزيد